
The Ultimate Everyday & Travel Accessory || Cache Belt™

Created by Wazoo Survival Gear, LLC

It's a money belt, travel tool, survival kit and whatever else you make it. Understated design with over-the-top functionality.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

250K! 24 HOURS LEFT! New buckle! Beta Kickstarter LIVE...
over 7 years ago – Thu, Nov 03, 2016 at 11:20:54 PM

Less than 24 hours remaining!

You better get on The Horn, The Facebooks, The Twitters, The Forums, The Carrier Pigeons, The Smoke Signal Blanket... and let everyone know!

 Here's some helpful translations for "The Cache Belt is ending soon!"

  • Morse Code: - .... . -.-. .- -.-. .... . -... . .-.. - .. ... . -. -.. .. -. --. ... --- --- -. ---.
  • Leet: 7h3 c4ch3 b3l7 15 3nd1n6 500n!
  • Klingon: cache, qogh qabna'Daj tugh!
  • Walkie-Talkie: (static) Ckt, The Eagle is approaching the nest, over, ckt. (static)
  • Yodish: Ending soon, the cache belt is!

Also, we reached our 250K stretch goal, which means...

We're officially going to offer the NEW Matte Black Stainless Steel Buckle! I think our extra cost to upgrade will be around $10. We will make sure it is simple to opt for it in the survey, don't worry.  

Here's an example the manufacturer provided to showcase the matte black finish.
Here's an example the manufacturer provided to showcase the matte black finish.


What are you up to tomorrow around noon our time?

Even though Nick is out doing Search and Rescue training (toldya, we're the real deal), we're planning to have a shindig to celebrate the final minutes of this successful Kickstarter. So... if you are available around 12PM(noon) CST, hop on here and join us for a "Kickstarter Live"(beta).

We'll be available to answer any of your questions (you can even pre-submit questions at the link below), show-off some prototypes, behind-the-scenes, and live lab-testing of the Cache Belt's bottle opener. 


***RSVP to the Kickstarter Live with a comment. Nonetheless, feel free to add some more helpful translations for "The Cache Belt is ending soon!"



Under 48 HOURS to go! Home Streeeetchhh! Black Stainless Steel? Get Ready...
over 7 years ago – Wed, Nov 02, 2016 at 10:39:09 PM

Home Stretch!  $250k?

How do you feel about Stainless Steel?  

What about Matte Black

What if we combine both into a belt upgrade stretch goal?  It's not Titanium, but the price won't be either. We can get run of stainless buckles made in the new mold. The stainless material itself is far more expensive than the carbon steel so would require an add-on cost around $10. The raw color of stainless is too light and bright compared to the black webbing so we'd opt to coat it with a durable matte black finish used in automotive and military applications! Check it out and leave a comment below if you'd make the upgrade.

Progress Update: We're already starting to get your belt parts into the production process!

  • We're prepping our USA cut-and-sew manufacturers on the upcoming Purchase order.
  • We have already put the down payment on the mold for the new buckle (one that will enable it to be sans "WAZOO" on the front)
  • Beginning to contact the various component and material suppliers to line up Purchase Orders for them too (with 2 dozen different components all from different suppliers, you can imagine that this is going to be FUN!)

We're getting ready! Are you? Are you sure?

This is our first Kickstarter, but this is not our first project to be involved in. Kickstarter is an interesting platform. If you are not familiar, it will probably seem a little bit weird, but that's because it is not a pre-order website and is awkward if you try to treat it that way. But don't fret! It will all become a little clearer through surveys via Backerkit. Surveys are the way we find out what you want in return for your pledge. 

It is important that you pay attention to emails from us and fill out anything we ask you to. This is a crowdsourced project, and if you are ignoring our requests, you might hold up the process for everyone. 

Survival Guide: How to make sure you're not "that guy" or "that girl"

  • Be ready for the surveys that will be sent to you (Likely we will use BackerKit software to make it simple)
  • Make sure if you had any credit card issues/changes since you pledged that you rectify them by submitting a new card or updating information on it.
  • Read everything we send you fully and carefully. For instance, if we ask you to measure your waist a certain way, please do it right.
  • As always, Don't Panic! Follow us, we'll lead you through this process. If you have any questions, just ask. Brent has been answering your questions quickly and accurately so far and he'll keep up the good work!

We've had a few people pronounce the Cache belt as if it was "caché" or "cachet". But our intent was to both represent the definition of "to cache" or "to hide" but also be a homonym for "cash" as in an alternative for a Money Belt. This is how we intended for it to be pronounced, although, with the Frenchy accent, it sounds pretty classy, which works too. 


 Check out these other great campaigns!

Barracuda Konzu: The World's Most Advanced Backpack

Wirelessly charge your gear, be alerted if you carry an open bag, lock zippers with a button push..the ultimate backpack has arrived! CLICK HERE




FUTO - The World’s Most Ultimate Air Mattress

The last air mattress you will ever need! 20 sec to inflate, comfortable, durable, colorful and easy to carry. Take a rest. Anywhere! CLICK HERE




ORBI Prime: The First 360 Video Recording Eyewear

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LitraTorch - World's Most Versatile Adventure LED Light

LitraTorch - World's most versatile adventure LED light - for pro photo, video, underwater, bike, camp, drone, safety and fun! CLICK HERE


200K! Unbranded Buckle Option Unlocked! Only 6 Days Left!
over 7 years ago – Tue, Nov 01, 2016 at 11:25:29 PM


You asked for a version of the buckle to be sans "WAZOO"on the front. We offered it as a $200,000 stretch goal. And today, we're proud to say that we reached that goal!

We will now be offering a version of the standard buckle without the "WAZOO" on the front!


We are not exactly certain exactly how we will offer this version to be opted for, but like belt sizing, these things will be easily figured out via surveys after the campaign is over. So please keep an eye out and remember to fill out the upcoming surveys.

Until then, would love to have an unofficial survey here in the comments section...

Please comment below if you are going to opt for this version without "WAZOO" on the front.

Thanks for all the hardwork, let's finish this marathon with a dash to the finish!

We still have 6 days to continue to blow this thing up! We appreciate all of the word-of-mouth, social sharing, and support you have put in to make this project beyond successful. Like in a survival situation... It ain't over until it's over! As Cody Lundin likes to say "Party on!"

Last time I checked... Our Cache Belt is #1 Most Popular in the Fashion Category! Ain't it cool to have a survival kit that is also fashionable for once?



The world’s first autonomous smartwatch that tracks cardiovascular health, BP, customizes your workouts & prevents diseases! CLICK HERE


Wirelessly charge your gear, be alerted if you carry an open bag, lock zippers with a button push..the ultimate backpack has arrived! CLICK HERE 

Barracuda Konzu: The World's Most Advanced Backpack
Barracuda Konzu: The World's Most Advanced Backpack

10 minutes! Relieve Stress in Neck & Shoulder. C-REST is comfortable personal massager. Portable, so you can rest anywhere! CLICK HERE 

Get Weight off your Shoulder w/ C-REST
Get Weight off your Shoulder w/ C-REST


150K - Cobra Buckles Unlocked! || Unbranded Buckle Preview || Live Q&A
over 7 years ago – Mon, Oct 31, 2016 at 01:27:23 PM

COBRA BUCKLE (+$45 to your current pledge)

Upgrade your standard cam-style buckle to an extremely heavy-duty, load-rated buckle with built-in D-Ring (yeah, that's a lot of hyphens). This is likely going to require a custom run of the male adjuster part to accommodate our specific webbing. This custom run will require us to extend the delivery dates into March to allow for production time. Since we have no way of tracking this until the end, do us a favor and let us know if you plan to upgrade in the comments below.

 These buckles will not be interchangeable since they are sewn directly onto the belt. This reinforced stitching also requires extra time on the machine and a skilled hand to ensure it's done properly. The price may seem significant for an upgrade, but the people that "get it" understand. Keep in mind this buckle has no location to store the signal mirror for the Adventure level backers. We'll try to include more history and info about these buckles in the campaign Add-On section.



If a Cobra buckle isn't your style, we've had a TON of requests for removing the branding from the front of the buckle... so here's your chance. Show us you really want it. We know you've already backed, but this is where you tell your friends, bug large facebook pages and groups, or any other way of driving more traffic here so other people will inadvertently fund your unbranded buckles for you!  




Last on the agenda is an upcoming Q&A.  We're hoping to host it live on our facebook page this weekend. If you have a preferred day (Saturday or Sunday) or time (specify time zone please) let us know in the comments below. All current backers will get a message with the details and link to the event once we lock in a day and time. Any of you that aren't backers yet will just have to check out our facebook page for updates.... or back us before then :) We'll take any questions you have, address concerns, tour the shop here, and whatever else people want to do to pass the time. 

Hopefully we'll see you all there this weekend! 

   -Nick and the Wazoo Crew

TITANIUM - You asked for it, now let us know what you think.
over 7 years ago – Mon, Oct 24, 2016 at 10:34:25 AM

For those of you that haven't followed along with other comments and discussions, there has been a TON of interest in getting the belt buckles made from titanium. It has taken a few weeks of research and sourcing new manufacturers, but check out the details and see if it's something you actually want us to pursue. 



  • Lighter than steel 
  • Stronger than steel
  • No Nickel content for anyone allergic to Nickel
  • Non-magnetic 
  • Won't corrode or rust



It has been widely used in specialized industries from medical to aerospace for these characteristics, but it's these same features that make it desirable for creating quality components across the board. There's an entire Everyday Carry industry around Titanium tools and gadgets!



 Even the watch industry has taken advantage of it. 



Now when it comes to a cam style belt buckle.... well that's never been done before! (thanks for the challenge everyone) The majority of parts made from titanium are machined out of a solid block, or laser cut from a flat plate. To create this new buckle we have to create extremely durable molds that can stand up to the pressure required to shape this material. The tooling cost alone is $22,000!

We spent days talking with different manufacturers, picking their brains to learn as much as we could and hopefully find someone willing to take on this challenge with us. Finally we had a breakthrough! We found a company located right here in the US that enjoys a challenge as much as we do. A company that's going to help us bring this buckle to life, as long as you guys still think it's a good idea, so let's get into the nitty gritty...

Due to the High cost of tooling and the material itself, these buckles would have to add an extra $70 to the retail cost of the belts (it would be considered an Add-On for the Kickstarter project). We hope we can offer these at a discounted rate to our backers here, but we would need about 2,000 backers that wanted the titanium version (which is pretty much every single one of you right now) to make it possible.  

So, bottom line is if you want this belt with a titanium buckle, you better convince 1 friend every day that he wants one too! 

Please know that we are not price gouging anyone. Making pieces from titanium is extremely expensive. Take a minute to look up some of the prices of other small titanium tools and I think you'll agree this is actually a surprisingly good deal considering it's made from 3 individually stamped pieces, right here in the USA.

Leave us your thoughts in the comments below - We really need some feedback and communication if we're going to make this work.